Wheel of the Year readings

Wheel of the Year readings now available in January. Save $50 if you book before Jan 1! Gift certificates also available!

Wheel of the Year readings
Wheel of the year In the circle, the various names of the sabbats and the associated days of the month are displayed. [Drawing and caption from L.A. van Gulik's thesis, Moongazers & Trailblazers: Creative Dynamics in Low Country Wicca, p. 20, available OA at http://tinyurl.com/bdzdx7tr]

While many of you in North America celebrated winter solstice yesterday, I happen to be in Sweden this Yule season, and the solstice arrived this morning, December 22, 2023, at 4:27am! Good Yule! Or, God Jul as they say over here (pronounced 'good yule' in Scandinavia).

As we prepare to cross the calendar threshold into 2024, I am opening my books for tarot readings that cover the entire year for you! These readings use the neo-pagan or Wiccan calendar (represented in the Feature image) as the basis for the spread and provide guidance for upcoming events, feelings, and times of the year.

Book by December 31 for a $50 discount!

Your live, 50-minute reading will only be $75! On January 1, the price goes up to $125. Gift certificates are available too!

All readings are recorded on Zoom so you can review it again throughout the year.

Need more convincing? Check out the testimonials below! I've had great success providing these readings for querents over the years. I first learned of this spread in TarotJane's classes at the SheHive a few years ago and have used them regularly in my own tarot practice with clients. Here's what some querents have reported back to me, sometimes months or even a whole year after I've read this spread for them:

It's eerie how spot-on the reading was. Everything Cheryl read in the cards and said would happen happened, and I was prepared for it!
Just like she read in the yearly spread months ago, I broke up with the old girlfriend (on Christmas!) and met a much kinder woman, who I've been dating for a few months already and it's going great! Please give Cheryl my thanks!
Work has happened just as Cheryl read in the cards—I got the new job offer and took it even though Cheryl said the cards indicated it wasn't the right job, but that it got me somewhere else I needed to be. She was totally right, and although that job was bumpy, I met my new partner there, since quit, and I couldn't be happier.

I mean, I don't intentionally read for love or career—unless that's what folks want me to do. I sometimes do a general inquiry to the Universe, to ask what you might need to know for the coming year. People also get readings to figure out what next steps to take in their life, or what lessons they might have in the coming year...you name it! When you book or when you show up, you can tell me what you'd like me to focus on in your reading, if you have a preference.

This isn't fortune-telling or predicting the future, either! I tell all my clients that the reading I provide for them that day could change tomorrow if they take action that leads them down a different path. Some do. Others don't. Free will is a thing, yo.

Remember, save $50 if you book before the New Years. This is a limited time offer, as these New Years' readings are only available the first two weeks of January 2024! (Ok, you can actually get them any time of year—but what a great way to start of the new calendar year with some tarot guidance and intention setting!)

Want to get a reading for a friend? Buy a gift certificate and then they can book directly with me when it suits them!

Have a Good Yule and a Blessed New Year!