What's Going on @ When Intuition Strikes?
A round-up of what's been happening at When Intuition Strikes and the appearance of signs and how to interpret them.
I've been meaning to send an update out to all my subscribers to let you know what's been going on behind the scenes at When Intuition Strikes!
I went on vacation in part of June and July and forgot to tell folks, so I missed a few Wellness Wednesday community readings, but made that up to the folks who receive those readings!
I've done 10 Wellness Wednesday tarot readings, and those are available online for subscribers at the Lea(r)ning Deeper levels and higher. These readings are 20-25 minute streaming audio or video with full transcripts or captions (depending on the needs/week) and close-up images of the cards I pulled and which deck I'm using. Lots of tarot tips tucked in there as well as a reading appropriate to anyone listening that week (or whenever you do receive the reading).
Today's reading pulled the Magick and Rituals card from Alana Fairchild's Isis Oracle deck – an auspicious pull that doesn't surprise me, as I've been leaning heavier into my daily rituals and intuitive practices, and it's a good reminder to all of us that if we are intentional with our spiritual or intuitive practices, we can more readily find our heart's desire! (And, hey, that doesn't have to mean love – it just means: what fills you with joy??)
I drew the 10 of Cups as my personal card of the day, and the thing I'm finding joy in this week is getting back to some of the daily rituals I've not been doing since I left for vacation in mid-June. Life has felt really chaotic since then, and has only recently begun to settle down.
Along with my daily intuitive rituals, which have involved reading my tarot pulls, reiki meditation, and (this week) reading from my reiki manual to brush up on some knowledge, I've been paving the way for more personal writing time in the coming months. I am REALLY excited about that, and am trying to surrender any feelings of "being behind" that have been cropping up over the last month.
Just yesterday the most amazing thing happened – and sometimes it's those little signs that carry ALL the meaning for us. Yesterday was 8/8, August 8th, also known as the Lions Gate Portal (you can Google all sorts of explanations of this – I haven't found one a really want to link to yet). It's a time of great manifestation and making things happen, which is also happening during an astrological time of shedding things that no longer bring us joy and serve our heart's desire.
So, although I had been thinking about making a change in one part of my life for over a year now, yesterday I made the decision to tell some others who are involved in this project with me. These are people I love, people I feel close to in certain ways, and people I respect. People I don't want to let down. But I've let all of those things cloud my own needs for the last few years, and I had taken micro-steps to change, but I felt in my heart that it wasn't (yet) enough.
I broke the unexpected news at the end of our meeting, and we took a few minutes to respond and debrief on the importance of this change, for me and for them. While I was laying out my change of plans to them, I noticed a mourning dove on the ledge outside my window. It's a place where birds often come to perch for a minute or so, to regroup before flying onto to other destinations. However, this dove stayed put for the entire 10 minutes of this incredibly difficult conversation.
My project partners took my news well, and they even patiently listened when I realized the dove was still hanging out and had to grab my Animal-Speak guide (by Ted Andrews) to read what the dove means in metaphysical terms.
The entry reads
Dove (peace): A new cycle of opportunities is at hand. They bring a time of peace and prophecy. Mourn and release what has passed for new birth.
Yes. Mourn and release. New, prophetic opportunities are coming. We have to make room for the new by releasing the old. And that is hard AF for most of us. To have faith and trust that the new thing will be better than the old/familiar thing. But, Universe, I am ready.