Wellness Wednesday - September 6, 2023

A community reading for September, using Lindsay Mack's Lantern spread.

Wellness Wednesday - September 6, 2023
A 6-card tarot spread for September using Chris-Anne's Light Seer's Tarot.

This reading uses Lindsay Mack's Lantern spread from her Tarot for the Wild Soul September newsletter.

Wellness Wednesday community tarot reading for Sept. 6, 2023
6 questions form a tarot spread called The Lantern, for the month of September (see transcript)
The 6-card spread called The Lantern from Lindsay Mack's newsletter, Tarot for the Wild Soul


Cheryl Ball 00:10

Good morning, everybody. Let me turn my captions off. Good morning. Welcome to Wellness Wednesday. I'm in a new place today. With my new background, I hope you enjoy it. And here's it's a little crooked. Let me see if I can fix that real quick

Cheryl Ball 00:41

There we go. All right. We're doing a spread today from another one from Lindsey Mack. This is a spread for September. It's called the lantern. And the lantern if you're familiar with most hermit cards, they include, you know what, let me just see if I can pull it out real quick. Typically, the hermit the Hermit card represents Virgo season, those that's a tarot card that corresponds with with Virgo season, and most is the end or at the end, right. And many hermits as are represented in the Tarot are holding a lantern. Not gonna find it here in the second half

Cheryl Ball 01:44

here we go. In this particular card, the light series Deck, the hermit is filling. But in the Rider Waite Smith, the traditional deck, which is behind me somewhere, it's, you know, they're holding a lantern up, you know, an old school style lantern. So, actually, I'm going to set the Hermit card out here to the side for us for inspiration. Because lantern is the name of this spread. This is a six card spread for September. That's asking, essentially, what to move towards how to open our eyes to see like, what do we need to shine our lanterns on to see better what to move away from, it's a really good general spread. And I wanted to do this one for the community this week. It's got six cards, that screen.

Cheryl Ball 02:39

So again, this is Lindsey Max, tarot for the wild soul lanterns spread for the month of September, and today is September 6, 2023. Okay, we're gonna start with a card for the month of September. And then we're going to pull five more cards. Oh, we've got some big ones here. And I love it. I love it. I just did this spread for myself. And I did not get the same number of major arcana that just got pulled up here. And I know that's because the universe is helping me send guidance through the cards to a much larger community than a single person, right? So it's giving me some bigger, some bigger messages that way. That's always exciting.

Cheryl Ball 03:32

Okay, so we start with the card for the month of September, which in this spread, we have pulled the strength card. Okay. And the strength card as you can see is is a woman who is part lion. the strength card is corresponds with Leo so like this is often an August based card because since that's the majority of when Leo season happens. But that kind of like strength and power energy but but the strength card also you can see she's she's got a lamb in front of her. So she is part lion. And she also is part lamb. And this is a card that represents it's it's one of the more literal cards in tarot, right. It represents strength, but it's a charming strength, right?

Cheryl Ball 04:25

Or it's like it can also represent sort of coming to terms with the beasts within us if you will the wildness within us. And that's not to say that we're taming any of that part of ourselves or tamping any of it down. Instead, it's to say, like, this is part of us and we accept this and we judiciously know when to use our own strength. This whole month feels like there's a lot of upheaval going on you In terms of spiritual up leveling, I guess I will say, and I keep hearing that being reported in from different folks who I follow on social media, who are into metaphysical work and spirituality and wellness. And yeah, it's a lot of energy. And it takes a lot of physical and emotional energy to be able to process that on an individual level. So collectively to get the strength card is a way for us to, to know, okay, as a community, we got this. That's really I love, I love that.

Cheryl Ball 05:39

[adjusts laptop screen] Angle this down. Okay, so that's our card for September.

Cheryl Ball 05:44

The next card, asks, What am I being invited to pay attention to this month? And here, we're being given the five of swords. Okay. So the five of swords, in some decks looks like defeat. Right? But really, what's going on in the background here is an invitation to not miss the spiritual up leveling that's happening. So if you can see that this little guy, right, he's trying to find his inner, his inner strength is higher calling right. And so that's part of the the message behind the five of swords. What are we being invited to pay attention to? Don't pay attention to this sad, sad, you know, person like no. Right? Listen to the crow in your ears, right? Listen, listen to this Universal Intelligence, reminding you that even though it feels tough, you're on a path to much bigger things. So our strength card and remembering that will help us? Well, remembering the string card will help us remind ourselves that even though it's Rocky, we're on a we're on a good path.

Cheryl Ball 07:06

Okay, the third card that we have is the judgment card. And this card is answering the question what is the lantern of my life? casting light upon? And what am I ready to see and acknowledge? The judgment card is not a harsh card, right? It's not a card about like, I'm judging you. It's not it's not that it's instead, it's the moment of ascension, in a way, right? In the Rider Waite Smith Smith, the traditional deck, it's a deck that looks like oh, I've lost the word. But it's a it's like people rising out of their graves to to, in that language sort of ascend to heaven, right. So it's a, it's a calling home of sorts. But in this deck, you can see I like it because it's a little less religious. Because I'm not really that iconic. I kind of, oh, I need another cup of coffee. iconography, the iconography of the Christian reading of the Tarot can sometimes be a little off putting, but in this particular version of this this illustrated deck, we have this soul ascension happening right as this person should not dead not rise out of the grave, right. She is here on Earth, living her every day, and yet is strongly connected to the to the Divine and is ready for that ascension. So like, we might have the struggle of that up leveling here. But we have the actual up leveling happening here. Okay, so what is your lantern of your life casting light upon? What are you ready to see and acknowledge that this massive shift is happening? And you're here for it? Hopefully.

Cheryl Ball 09:19

Okay, the next card, what am I moving away from? We have the sun. This is really interesting, right? Because this is a case where you're like, Well, the question was asking us to what are we moving away from? So that seems like it's it could be a bad thing. Like we don't need this thing anymore. And so we're gonna move away from it, but we get a sort of good card in in that placement. So I guess I'm gonna go to the guidebook and get some affirmation here but my guess what we're being what we're moving away from? Is the sun Energy often can represent childhood, a naivete, a baby even right, like a newness, a spiritual newness in the world, right? Remember the days when when we were kids maybe and you would go out and play in the sun this way and just dance around and like dance like nobody's looking and not have a care in the world. And there was a very joyous wondrous spirit to it. And so having this card in the position of what we're moving away from, is to suggest that while our energy may have been on this level, it's actually transitioning to something with more wisdom, more spirit experience, right, the Hermit card is a card of wisdom and guidance, in shining your light out so that others can see, right instead of just receiving the light of the Sun card. Right. So we're moving away from a naivete in our approach to our way of being in the world. Which begs the question number five, what am I moving towards.

Cheryl Ball 11:25

And here we have the wheel. Okay, the Wheel of Fortune. And this card represents luck, fortune, spinning the wheel of fate, all of these things. And this is a this is a fortunate card, insofar as the person who stands on the top of these coins is balanced in control, in alignment with their destiny. And they've harnessed both the light and the darkness within them, you can see that on this card. Right, they are in unity. And that allows them to be in balance and on top. But they also know and one of the readings for this card in this deck is that at any moment, that wheel can shift, and they might lose balance. But they also know that when they work to be in balance in harmony, that their luck will thrive. And they will, they will be back on top of the wheel of fortune.

Cheryl Ball 12:38

So maybe a more plain way to state this is when the question asks, What am I moving towards? And we get the Wheel of Fortune, Fortune and abundance and our desires manifested is coming our way. That's what we're moving towards. Right? That's because we've done this, this work of balancing. So that's an incredibly exciting and powerful card. Good things on the way, right? They are on the way.

Cheryl Ball 13:10

The final card in the spread. Where am I being invited to pause? We have the world and it's in shadow. Right? So this is really interesting, because the world is the culmination of the Major Arcana, right, it's number zero the fool through 21 the world. And that completes the cycle of the narrative of the major arcana. Okay, and when the cycle completes, that's not, you know, via a form of judgment happens, but it's not the end, right? There's no such thing as the end in our lives anymore. There's just the beginning of new cycles, right? But this card comes to us in reverse, which is indicative of the pause that this question is asking us to attend to where am I being invited to pause? I'm being invited to really reflect on everywhere that I've been in this cycle of my life that has led me to the moment of this completion before the next levels of our awakening. Begin a new with stronger, different higher energies.

Cheryl Ball 14:39

So September is these we got out of six cards we have five major arcana here. The universe is reaching its arms out and asking us to embrace our Our spiritual callings, our, our higher callings. They don't have to be spiritual in terms of like, everybody needs to go out and be a tarot reader, right? Like, this is not my full time gig. Right? But I know like my higher calling is writing and speaking, right? Like, those are things, those are the ways that I connect with people and connect with my community in order to help them heal, right in order to help y'all heal. And so what is it that and I do that I writing books and doing editorial work and things like that, right? So like, how do I, how have I been working to follow my own higher calling, in order to be in alignment, so that I am in so I'm receiving the abundance that the universe has in store for me, right? You work calling, when I say spiritual alignment, right? Or spiritual abundance, I just want to reiterate, that's going to be your individual path.

Cheryl Ball 16:06

And then collectively, as this reading is meant to be is to signal. There's a lot of us, right, we're all here and able to be on this up leveling path. And sometimes it's a choice, right? Sometimes we get stuck with sad face, and forget and stuck in the struggle, right? And forget that the struggle is meant to take us to a higher place. And the way that we get there is through healing, right? Through shining our light on things that we need to see in order to recognize and work through and move through and heal.

Cheryl Ball 16:45

So I hope that that reading has been useful for you today. I wish you all a beautiful week. I won't be here for Wellness Wednesday, next week. [burps] Excuse me. I'm going to be on the road. It's my birthday week. I'm a Virgo. Many of you know that and I'm going to take the week off to celebrate too with my own little writing retreat. So I will join you again in two weeks. And I love you all and I will see you then. Bye!