Wellness Wednesday - October 11, 2023

A zero-fucks, take-care-of-yourself reading.

Wellness Wednesday - October 11, 2023
Four-card spread for Oct. 11, with one jumper and one clarification card

Well, I lost all my edits, so I'm posting this as-is with no fucks left to give. Enjoy. :)


Cheryl Ball  00:03

Hello, everyone, how are you? Welcome to Wellness Wednesday that community Tarot reading. Sorry, it's a little bumpy cuz I'm sitting in my easy chair, shuffling my cards. I promise it'll, it'll balance out here in a moment. Yeah, so it's Wednesday, October 11. It happens to be 8:11pm here on the East Coast. And I am pretty excited about that. Because I like to sleep. That's all the time for bed. So that's always a good sign. Okay, one of the reasons I'm looking to sleep this week is because this eclipse that's coming up on Saturday is running roughshod over us a little bit. And so, earlier this week, I was listening to the Channing Nicholas app. And she posed some really good questions in this week's horoscope reading, that I thought would make a really nice Tarot Spread for us for the beginning of eclipse season, this week for the community read. So I hope that this energy of the eclipse is coming to you gently. And if it's not, then I hope that this Reading helps you.


Cheryl Ball  01:33

So I've got four questions that I wrote in my little notebook. Look at this cool little notebook. It's got all the astrology on it, I got it for $8 at the bookstore.


Cheryl Ball  01:42

I like I like a deal. Like a deal. Okay, so here are the four questions and then I'll pull the four cards for us. Oops, we got a we got a jumper. The seven of blondes. This is a great boundary card for the week. Oh my God, there's so much energy going on right now in the astrology in relation to setting boundaries in our relationships and revealing what our values are. And I know I've been talking about this for a while because it's been ongoing with the Venus retrograde and, and these eclipses in our south node are asking us to release things. And so the seven of wands is a good card to remind us that like, you know what? Fuck the haters.


Cheryl Ball  02:35

Yeah, that's, I mean, look at this, right? She's just like, I got my bow. I'm gonna take all you motherfuckers out. Come at me.


Cheryl Ball  02:46

She has no fucks left to give when it comes to other people, and their hate and their anger and their sadness, and their lack of boundaries. She's like, I'm going to do my thing. So that's one of wands. For us. That's a good card for this reading. Now, for the theme for this reading. Here are the four questions that I came up with. So pretty, isn't it? Okay, the first question is, what do we need to let go of? The second question is what needs rebalancing.



The third is, what is justice in this situation? Or for this situation? And the fourth question is, what will support me in having patience? Or put another way, playing the long game? Okay, and playing the long game is not about the long con, it's not the same thing. It's like, how do I, how do I position myself in such a way? First of all, how do I position this notebook because I'm sitting in a place that is not very conducive for this reading this week. So I apologize for that. But the long game is about how we prepare ourselves for our better selves. And that is not an overnight transition. Right? That is something that comes to us. Like the tortoise, not the hare. Okay,


Cheryl Ball  04:31

I'm gonna pull these four cards for us. Alrighty, so, this week again, I'm using This Might Hurt deck by Isabella Rockman. Okay.


Cheryl Ball  04:54

So the first question: what do I need to let go up? If we had the page of wands and normally this would be a card where you'd be like, Okay, this is, this is a good card. We like the page of wands, right. But I think what this card is asking us to let go of, is the way that we play to others. Right? So this person they're playing their ukulele in the desert it seems like a card about being alone. But it's not like everybody I know who plays the ukulele plays it for other people. So what is it that we can lay down that we can let go of when it comes to our need to play for others. Let's go to the book, where the wands, “the page of wands is a small flame ready to catch and grow. Actually, she's many small flames all burning side by side. Which one will find tinder?” Little T, people.”


Cheryl Ball  06:46

“The page of wands is for those of us who want to do everything. My page of wands is a ukulele because what other instrument better represents the joyful combination of unbridled and of unbridled enthusiasm, creative expression, and enjoying yourself? Okay. If you are the page of wands, there's a lot of potential in your life right now. Normally, this card is about not limiting yourself. Your future is crackling with endless possibilities. And that is true. At some point, the page will have to narrow her path to get full attention to a smaller selection of passions.” Okay.


Cheryl Ball  07:36

And so this card is asking us to reveal what those passions are. So that we can truly follow the ones that we want -- feels like a bit of a mixed message, right? But it's not it's saying yes, there are a million possibilities in the world. But what do you actually want to do with your life? What do you actually feel called to do? That is the stark universe please let us pull a clarification card for the page of wands and what we need to let go. We get the page of cups in short in reverse. Here's the page of cups.


Cheryl Ball  08:29

This card came out in reverse it's in shadow. This is a card about inspiration. “The page of cups has found a fish and they are driven to keep and nurture it. the page of cups is the person who feels who truly feels everything as it is happening fully and without shame. They love and laugh easily. They emote. They never lose their sense of wonder. And they bring it everywhere with them.” Okay, so this card is about dreams and inspiration right? The challenge here and what's being revealed is what are your dreams? Not other people's dreams. Right if this person feels for everything and everyone in reverse,


Cheryl Ball  09:39

that person feels about everybody else except for themselves. And that's bullshit. Put your own mask on first. Okay, care for yourself first and foremost. Okay, the second card, what needs rebalancing, we have the eight of swords in shadow. Okay? The Eight of Swords is the card about knowing that you can undo these ropes and walk out of the circle of swords at any time, if you try. But a lot of us have gotten to this point where we feel completely upside down beside ourselves, not knowing how to get out of our situations, not feeling like we have the agency to do it. And the eight of swords and shadow is a reminder that the thing that we need to rebalance is our own self worth.


Cheryl Ball  10:54

And our own sense of agency, we always have a choice. And now is the time to make it the third card what is the justice? What is justice for this situation? And we have the King of Cups also in shadow. There's the King of Cups right side up. Okay, so he's in shadow for this particular spread. How is the king of cups and shadow part?


Cheryl Ball  11:32

A recognition of justice normally, the king of cups in this deck is referred to as the leader as the leader through emotional strength. Okay, so the author here says directly multiple, “multiple views on how to read the king of cups of Here's mine. Look at the water surrounding the king. It's tumultuous and stormy. In tarot water represents emotions and the unconscious. The king certainly has a lot going on, but his face is Placid. He's content and taking it all in stride. The author says I drew the king of cups as my grandfather. In a dinghy where we made many happy memories together. My grandfather has Alzheimer's. His short term memory leaves him he understands the situation but does not fight it. He is ageing with grace and cheerfulness that I can only imagine. He knows he is loved and he is happy. The King of Cups shows true emotional strength in the face of difficulty. In this way, he supports the people around him. So it says if you're the king of cups, you're likely being called upon to balance your emotions. Whether your choppy sea has to do with internal strife or outside forces, it is time to manage your feelings without repressing them. How can you listen to your own conscience? Your unconscious without being overwhelmed by it? How can you best show compassion for your community while still taking care of yourself?”


So the justice in the situation you on top instead of the sky and the community and the surroundings on top. You are on top How can you listen to your unconscious without being overwhelmed by it? And how can you age gracefully for yourself before others how do you if justice in this case is a rebalancing of leadership? Where you are not always the one who feels like they have to lead that you get your moment of rest then you also make it your dreams.


For the final card in the spread, what will support me in playing the long game, the ace of pentacles. I don't know a better card to represent patients than the ace of pentacles. This is such a card about being grounded. Right? about knowing that new projects, new ways of being in the world are on the for the right turn of phrase. This is knowing that new spiritual and emotional balance is happening. So use this card to support your journey, trust and have faith that the balance is there and will continue to come.


Alright. We've been asking, we've been asked a lot, we've been shown a lot by the universe in the last couple of weeks, as we've been going through a lot of rocky times, to trust and I would be remiss and not also pointing to the larger events of the world happening around us this week. Knowing how tumultuous and rocky things are in many parts of the world. However, that doesn't still mean, the balance is here for us. That strength and groundedness are here for us. And that doesn't still mean that we can't pay attention to our own selves, as individuals.


First and foremost, and I know this is a community reading. But if each of us were to take these introspective moments and decide to build the boundaries that we need to start playing some part and to give up the emotional blackmailing that we've been doing in our lives. Then the seven of wands, which is the theme of our reading for tonight, becomes a card of power and strength, individual power and strength and not a card of animosity. And we do that by paying attention to ourselves and our own emotions first.


Cheryl Ball  18:19

Thank you for joining me again for this weekly reading. May you have a blessed week.