Steampunk Princess is here for us this week!

The Steampunk Princess, an oracle card from Alana Fairchild's Divine Circus deck, is here to spark our intuition and creativity this week.

Steampunk Princess is here for us this week!
Meerkat, our guest reader for this week's Wellness Wednesday

Wellness Wednesday reading with Alana Fairchild's Divine Circus Oracle deck.


 Cheryl Ball  00:03

Hey everyone, welcome to another Wellness Wednesday community Tarot reading. It is Wednesday, November 8. And Venus I believe is just moved back into Libra. Which is fantastic, because gives us a little bit more support and beauty in our world. Which, frankly, we can all use right now because the world is kind of shit these days. And for those of you keeping track, yep, different background, different location, different house this week. Where in the world is Cheryl, I'll keep you guessing.

Cheryl Ball  00:55

This week, I want to give you a heads up about the new Tarot class that I'm teaching. It's an introduction to tarot. So very basic level intro into what is Taro? What are the cards? How are they broken down into different schema? Like, what do they mean? It's a three, three sequence class taught in three hour blocks for the next three Saturdays, starting next week, not this Saturday. So our first class is November 18, it runs the eighth to the 25th. And December 2, from 10am to 1pm. Eastern, you can find more information about this class, in the email that I sent out earlier today. Or linked at the bottom of the show notes for this blog post. This is a class if you really like you don't know anything about Tarot, but you're interested or you know a little bit but you want to know a little bit more and just sort of reinforce some of the things that you've learned and maybe learn a different technique or style of reading the cards. This is actually a lot of different ways that you can interpret the cards right? We're gonna go into what what all of that means and what some possibilities are things that feel authentic to you, right? As well as things that are more structured that are like, Okay, here's how other people do it. Here's a framework that you might follow. And you may or may not resonate with that framework. And that's okay. Taro offers a host of possibilities, or ways that you can read and interpret the cards. So we'll go through that over three weeks, you can either drop in for a single session, or you can attend the whole three week class. Again, the link for that and to sign up for that course is posted in the quote unquote shownotes. In other words, linked at the bottom under this video.

Cheryl Ball  03:09

And then this week, we're reading I'm gonna pick an Oracle Card. It's kind of a funny week, the energy's been a little sporadic, and we're coming off some Eclipse energy. And a lot of us might be feeling a little rough. I noticed in the last week that a lot of people were having problems with their bosses. And there's a lot of power struggle energy happening. That is also been asking us to reconsider what it is that we're truly valuing in our life. And whenever questions like that come up for me, I think about my creative energies and where I'm putting my efforts towards. And so in that vein, I wanted to pull a card this week for us. For as you can hear me shuffling from this new deck that I got Alanna Fairchilds divine circus. Okay, these are oracle cards. And so I'm only going to pick one because they're quite involved these oracle cards, and I'll show you when we get to it. So I want to tap into the collective energy here. As I finish shuffling, and I want to ask the universe, when we're coming off this tumultuous energy from this week, and headed into a week where Mercury's maybe being a little bit more helpful than it has been, which is helping us with our communication patterns. And Venus. The planet of pleasure and love is also being a little bit more supportive than it has been recently. And yet we've got some astrology coming up this weekend that that signifies that things might still get a little rocky for us? Where is it? In our lives, in our creative endeavors, specifically, that we can lean into that will help support us.

Cheryl Ball  05:15

Oh, did you hear that? Um, I'm cat sitting and the cat was like I hear you. I do. They might come join us here in a minute. We'll see.

Cheryl Ball  05:30

Okay, so universe. What guidance do you have for the collective this week? The steampunk priestess. This card has come up in a couple of different readings in the last week or two. So that's really interesting to me. Okay, something about the steampunk priestess that we need to look into. There she is, in all of her fucking glory.

Cheryl Ball  06:11

Okay, so like I got my overalls on. [The small black cat slaws its way up my overalls to sit in my lap.] So we're just gonna set her right here for a second while I pull up the guide book.

Cheryl Ball  06:18

What number is seven? Already. One of the things that I love about Alana Fairchild's decks are her guide books, which are quite thorough, and offer incredible intuitive information, as well as rituals and affirmations that you can do for each of the cards that get pulled. This is I think, the third deck of hers that I have purchased. And there's another one that I have my eye on there. They're quite exciting. Okay.

Cheryl Ball  06:53

Okay, kitty. What have you got on you? Cobwebs? October was the month for clearing out cobwebs, but apparently this cat is bringing it into November with us. All right, come on up. Come on up. It's good thing I got my overalls on because she just clawed her way up my thigh. Okay, hello, everybody. Hi. Say hi. To Meerkat look at those cobwebs. All right, good. Good. Yeah, good boy. I don't know what I don't know what they are. That's okay. It doesn't matter, i love you.

Cheryl Ball  07:32

Alright, let's read about the steampunk priestess. Okay, there she is. There's Alana; she's got some Leo hair.

Cheryl Ball  07:43

All right, keep on track, Cheryl, keep on track. Here's what the steampunk priestess says.

Cheryl Ball  07:51

123 trust in what you see 456 The truths behind the trick's 789 Clarity divine. You shall see what you need to see at the perfect moment. It shall be.

Cheryl Ball  08:12

Meerkat doesn't like kisses. Alright, let's see what else the priestess has to say to us here.

Cheryl Ball  08:22

Appearances can deceive yet when the time is right. incisive intuition slices through the illusion and the truth hits you between the eyes. That is the perception of reality behind the illusion. You know it when you experience it and you know that you have to trust in what you see. So give yourself permission to acknowledge and accept the power of those insights. Don't talk yourself out of the truth. Intuition might only last for a second. And yet it can change the way that you look at things forever, setting you on a more authentic course and allowing for changes to take place that you might have previously believed were impossible. Got cobwebs on me. The steam punk Princess comes to you when there is more to something or someone than initially meets the eye. You might need to look closer to understand what is happening or to trust in what you're already perceiving. Even if a part of you doubts it, because the truth of the matter in such cases will be so at odds with superficial appearances. She reminds you though, to trust your insight, no matter how startling, surprising or shocking that intuitive hit might be. She also brings a reminder to get focused on on what matters to you, then you won't lose precious energy, either worrying about what could go wrong, or trying to sort something out in your head. When the time is right, even the most confusing situation is going to come into focus and your understanding of the matter. And what you need to do or not do will be crystal clear. set an intention for clarity. You can do this with the healing trick below [which I will describe in a moment.] And trust in what you see.

Cheryl Ball  10:43

Okay, so each of these books, as I mentioned, has a ritual that you can conduct and an affirmation. The ritual in this particular book is called The healing trick, because it's circus related themes, right? And then it concludes with the affirmation. I'm going to read the healing trick to you. Okay, this is good for you to just get comfortable and close your eyes. Like if I had all the time in the world, I would read all of the rituals and record all of the healing tricks as individual audio files. And actually Alana Fairchild encourages you to do this if you have her decks, because many of them are auditory in nature. And so listening to them while being in a meditative state is very useful. Okay. So I'm going to go into reading this healing trick out loud for you. And so if you wouldn't just settle in for a moment and follow along, I will bring you out of it when we're done.

Cheryl Ball  11:49

The healing trick to help you take the wisdom offered and put it to the best use in your life. Now, do this healing trick to clear obstacles to putting this guidance into place. Be seated comfortably, and dressed your dominant hand the one you use to write with on your chest over your heart. The other non dominant hand can lightly touch your forehead, just slightly above the center point between your eyebrows. Relax and breathe in and out several times. You might like to close your eyes for a few moments while you do this.

Cheryl Ball  12:52

When you're ready to say this aloud "My intention is clear. I see all I need to see. I free myself in heart and mind to look beyond the surface of things to witness the deeper reality". When you're ready, relax your hands back down to a resting position. If you have a particular issue you would like to see more clearly. Then you can also say the following. "The unconditionally loving I have my heart shows me the truth in the matter of [...and then describe your question or issue now]. With gratitude and relaxation, I received the insights I need for understanding and resolution according to divine grace and divine timing, so be it."

Cheryl Ball  14:19

If you need to pause this and go back and listen to that again and repeat after it please go ahead and do that now.

Cheryl Ball  14:28

When you're finished now you will gaze at the Oracle Card and relax. Focus gently on the central circle between the two circular frames of her glasses. Imagine feel and visualize or pretend and it becomes filled with light and sends a beam of light into your forehead at the point just above where your eyebrows meet. Imagine, feel visualize or pretend that you have a circular light shining in your forehead now, it feels cool and clear and open and bright. You have completed your healing trick. Your job is now to trust in the insights that come to you. Perhaps out of the blue or when you aren't really thinking of your issue at hand.

Cheryl Ball  15:47

Easy as that. Here's the affirmation. You can also say, and you can do this affirmation if you don't have time to do the ritual and fall or if you're in a place where you're not able to do it at the moment, right? But you want some quick healing. Sometimes that happens, right? So here's the affirmation. Say the following affirmation to boost the power of this message and to integrate into your body, mind and soul. You can say it morning or evening for a few days or even a few months or just at the end of your healing track. Here's what you need to repeat: "With the eye of love in my heart and the eye of light in my head. Show me the truths most helpful for me to see at the perfect time and in the perfect way. I feel relaxed and comfortable trusting in what I see when I see it."

Cheryl Ball  17:08

Elena Fairchild concludes this portion of the guidebook by indicating where the artwork is from for the card. The piece is called "Miss Red" by Monique Tulp.

Cheryl Ball  17:24

I hope that we all can trust and lean into our intuition more closely in the coming week. And that this card in this reading has been useful to you in your endeavors. Again, check out my Tarot class if you're interested in learning more about tarot cards. At some point in the future we'll talk about oracle cards separately. And I hope you have a lovely and giving week and weekend. Loves You all. Blessed be.
