Wellness Wednesday - November 22, 2023

An intuitive spread, with jumpers, for the long holiday US weekend. Good luck, y'all!

Wellness Wednesday - November 22, 2023

A spread to watch out for this weekend! :D A so-callA soA A so-A


Y'all, this transcript is just how Otter did it on first pass and I haven't had a chance to edit it yet due to rushing for the holidays, but I'll get in here and clean it up over the weekend.

Cheryl Ball  00:03

Hello everyone, I almost just shuffled my tarot cards backwards. It's been that kind of week, I've had an interesting time no transcribing my I do a daily Tarot poll every day for myself using an app on my phone. And I've done this for many years, three or four years at least. And I've been going back and categorizing them all into a separate folder, and then transcribing them in a Google doc so that I can see patterns more largely. I'm also doing this in anticipation of helping me write my soul journey memoir, which doesn't have a title yet. I'm still working on that. But I know that each chapter will be prompted by one of my daily polls, and something significant that wouldn't have happened that day, over the last couple of years, so I'm excited about that process. And in the process of that, I was like, oh, it's time to do community Tarot. Hi, everybody. I'm Cheryl Ball. If you haven't been here yet, before, welcome, I appreciate you being here. I've been writing some new stuff on the intuition site. For you. That's not just the weekly Tarot poll for our, for our taro in the wellness and intuitive community here. It's Wednesday, November 22. In the US, this is the day before so called Thanksgiving. I'm not grateful for the name or the history of that holiday at all. I have very strong feelings about that. But I am grateful for the friends and family, both biological and chosen, who I am blessed to have in my company this time of year. I'm also grateful for this new tarot deck that I'm testing out today for the very first time I've never used this deck before. I bought it a couple months ago, and but haven't used it yet. So check this out. It's this very simple deck. It was $6.99 at this vintage store, but it's brand new. And they had a bunch of foam and a bunch of in different series. I'll post some more information about it later. But the two of wands just flew out for us. And I like the simplicity of this deck. It's reminiscent to me of like Biddy tarot and other decks like that, that it just uses very simplistic, like 2d drawings and away from using that artistic term correctly. So two of wands is a card about planning and travel. Which makes sense because I'm about to leave the location where I'm at, and go to a different location to celebrate with a big meal with some very lovely friends down the road a bit. So maybe we all have travel in our minds as I do this, this taro call. As I was prepping, I was thinking about whether I could craft a spread for us specifically for this holiday since many of us are in the US, where are Americans and do celebrate so called Thanksgiving. And you might need a little extra Tarot support for that, right. So I was like, oh my god, can I craft a spread on the fly while I'm recording? I mean, that seems ridiculous. But there's also intuitive readings, right? That can happen that just needed sort of a question, a query. So I'm gonna go with that this week. And then I'm going to pull us maybe an Oracle Card afterwards to help us to help give us some very succinct guidance on what to what to do next. If we're celebrating our holiday with our with our Beloved's or not so Beloved's we just happen to be with our families. Okay, so, on deck, I'm so excited to see what it's going to tell us. Now. I am going to ask the universe to give us let's pull three cards, three cards to help us understand. Another one just flew out. I was gonna say to help us understand what perspective we need to bring to this long weekend with those who will be over Round. And the card that flew out, is the Hanged Man in reverse. So the Hanged Man is a card, I'll turn it right side up first, right? The Hanged Man is a card that often shows a person hanging upside down from a tree. It's very reminiscent of Christ on the cross. It's also meant to represent Odin sacrifice of himself to gain further knowledge to help you know his people. But generally speaking, we can sort of sum up regardless of whether you know the history of this card, we can sum it up and say that the Hanged Man is meant to, to be a is a card that asks us to pay more attention to something. And that often that attention needs to come from changing our perspective, a little bit more, right. That's why the person is hanging upside down. It's also a great card that reminds me of inversions in yoga, right. And when you when you do a headstand, which I can't remember the Sanskrit name for off the top of my head right now. But or you do, or you like, are hanging on a rope wall and I and our yoga upside down. And the cardio that that brings in completely unexpected ways. It can often be a release of grief, and bring new ways of thinking and new ways of seeing because you're upside down right? Now, when the Hanged Man is reversed, it doesn't mean you're right side up all of a sudden. It does mean it's kind of like the universe saying, no, really take another look, look a little bit closer. We want you to sit in this energy for longer to really figure out why you're feeling this way. Or why you're behaving this way. Or, you know, you know how we get stuck in patterns. Especially around the holidays, I mean, so called Thanksgiving has been such a trigger for me in the past, with visiting my family that I just stopped going, right? I was like not interested. This is not a hot, this is not a fun holiday for me. So I'm not I'm not going to go right. And it took me a lot of work to sort of work through that and figure out why I was having these feelings about it right. And I'm not going to go into all that personal story with you. But the universe really made me stew in it for like a decade before I could figure that out. Not asking you to sit there for a decade with weird feelings. I'm just saying this weekend. really reflect instead of freaking out on somebody. look internally and say okay, why why? Why am I reacting this way? Why am I thinking this way? Why am I responding in this way? Okay. All right. The universe is just throwing me cards. So I'm just going to keep going with this. Like, I'm just shuffling this is how I'm shuffling when I get to this point. And we'll just see if another one pops out. Right and, and say, okay, universe. What else do we need to know about this coming weekend in order to help guide us through our experiences


Cheryl Ball  08:28

no pop out. So I'm just gonna pull on. Sometimes it happens. We get the sun. All of these great Major Arcana are coming for us, right? We're meant to do some high level work this weekend. I love it. So the sun, such a beautiful card, new beginnings, success, approaching life with sort of childlike wonder. Oh, that's beautiful. And it's, it's kind of perfect that I'm trying to remember the order of my cards here. Right. But like, we have to go through the Hanged Man experience. Before we can get to the sun, but the sun is coming. The sun is bright, it's warming. It's delightful. It's cheerful. It's got so much new energy. Right? So let's do some work so that we can reap our rewards All right, even like one more one more thing that we're not expecting this weekend, like an unconscious thing that we might have to that might arise, right something that we need to be aware of that we can that we can rise to the surface now and and help us prepare for it. The nine of wands in shadow. Okay, so here's what the nine of wands in this deck looks right side up. Right. So nice, almost like birthday candles right? Get the nine of wands. I think this is my card of the day actually looking for my phone. Second show, you know, it was yesterday. It was yesterday. But I'll show you anyways, because it's right. It's right here. So in the regular regular in the Rider Waite Smith deck, right. The nine of wands is this poor fella. Right? So the nine of wands is typically the person who really like, I'm just going to read this this little bit to you. Right? determination, courage, strength through adversity, right those things. Now when it's in reverse, then there's like, this one's like, we're almost there almost to the 10 of wands, which is like laying down or laying down our bundles, right? Laying down our worries that we no longer have to carry with us again, which is a great card to think about when it comes to what the Hanged Man in shadow is asking us to, to work on, right. So the nine of wands in shadow is like there's some things that you thought were resolved this weekend that are going to light back up. And the Hanged Man and shadow is asking you to just sit with those and not like, freak out and be catastrophic in your reaction, right? In sure you can be angry, you can be mad at me frustrated, you can be annoyed. But instead of like reacting in the moment, sit with that and say okay, why? Why am I reacting this way? Why am I having these feelings around this thing that I thought was resolved, but it's obviously not resolved? What is it that I might need to do about it? Do I need to do anything about it? And remember, we still have the sun, helping us, keeping us future forward, looking towards our goal, which is happiness and resolve. I love this spread for us. Okay. Very excited. All right. Now I'm going to pick one quick card out of this quantum Oracle deck. Okay.


Quantum oracle card pulls for added guidanceA

Cheryl Ball  12:42

Sorry, I'm in a tight space today. So I keep bobbing the camera up and down while I'm shuffling. Shuffling knows what's going on. All right. And also, if you're watching this, I haven't gotten the transcription up yet, because I do have some things that I had to add into my schedule. has not allowed me the time to do the transcripts properly. But it will come it will come back this weekend. Oh my goodness, we cannot have that many cards universe just flipped out five. And I put them back in and one came up. All right, we'll take two. All right, and they're upset. They're upside down both of them. We've got the sacred temple and fragmented energy. Okay, these two and they're both in reverse. Okay, so we're gonna go to the guide book for the sacred temple. That's in spirit, which this one and number five. In reverse, this is about your hall of records. Oops. The sacred temple in reverse reveals a major question remaining unanswered for you. It's hard to do both these things at once. There's an important issue that is frustrating you or a life decision that you can't seem to make. You may already be in the throes of this perplexing situation or the chaos of uncertainty is coming your way. You're being pulled in many directions and want a sense of certainty before you take a stand. You may even see dark corners all around you questioning your options and feeling afraid to go in any direction. If this is the case, in any arena in your life, this card is telling you to calm down. It's what it says and take a breath. Reclaim your peace and your power by moving into your heart center and opening up to the unlimited guidance in your own sacred temple. Spend some time connecting with the eternal identity that is your soul. When you do the clouds of confusion will simply lift away and you'll be able to act With clarity, the affirmation for this one very exciting, says, I open the Akashic records that vibrate all around me, the wisdom of eternity is mine to behold. Now, if you're not familiar with the Akashic records they are it's the universal library of your life. And I'm working with the Akashic records now. So if you're interested in learning more about that you can reach out to me and I can help you figure out how to work with it in your own life. Now, the second card, fragmented energy to many pieces, and this one's also in shadow to the right page. Okay, this card reversed, right signals a time of focus and clarity for you. There may be less demands in your life, or perhaps you've been able to set some boundaries and prioritize yourself good for you. Either way, you'll find that the increased time along with your more relaxed attitude will bring your life into greater focus and fulfillment. If you've been entertaining different ideas for some new potential projects, now's the time to pick your path and go for it. Your energy is finally coming together and you're able to direct your intentions into more joyous and rewarding outcomes. This is a time of great promise for you. You're able to put all the pieces together, this picture of your life will reveal a future so bright, it will make you smile. Yay. That's fantastic. The affirmation for this one is I release striving and bring peace and focus to my life and goals. I move through my day at a leisurely pace. I love that. That's from Sandra and Taylor's the quantum Oracle. Thank you so much for joining me again for our weekly wellness Tarot reading. I appreciate all of you being here and I will see you again next week. Have a good weekend. Bye