Wellness Wednesday - November 1, 2023

A Wheel of the Year reading for the next 12 months, focusing on up-leveling towards your higher purpose.

Wellness Wednesday - November 1, 2023
Wheel of the Year reading for November 1, 2023

Yay for the Hierophant in this year's Wheel of the Year reading!


Cheryl Ball  00:03

Hello all welcome to the wellness and Wellness Wednesday Tarot reading. It's November 1 2023. All Hallows Day, All Saints Day, the beginning of the concluding hours of Samhain and the beginning hours of Dias de los Muertos, if you practice those different traditions. Welcome. In a lot of the pagan community, this is the beginning of the new year. Some people take it as January 1, some people take it with the vernal equinox and March for the northern hemisphere when spring starts. And some people take it with this week of the last harvest in North America with Samhain. So I figured this would be a great time for us to do a Wheel of the Year reading. For the community, there's a lot of upheaval, a lot of turmoil in the world. And in our personal lives, there's a lot of regeneration happening, a lot of change. And change can be kind of scary. So I'm hoping that this community reading provides us a little foresight into what the next year will hold for us.

Cheryl Ball  01:37

I'm going to skip the center card in this spread, which is the usually the significator for a particular querent. And so instead I'm going to pull two cards in the center that represents sort of the overall theme for the year and for the coming year. And also what help or hindrance there might be with that. The theme and hindrance.

Cheryl Ball  02:06

Okay. So then how this spread goes is it goes clockwise around the Wheel of the Year with eight cards, one for each of the High Holidays in the pagan calendar. So we're going to start with the next coming up holiday, which is the winter solstice. And then we go to Candlemas or February 1, Groundhog's Day. And then we go to the vernal equinox, or the spring solstice in March. And then we go to May Day in the beginning of May, and then we go to the summer solstice in June. And then to Lammas or Lunaghsadh, the first harvest festival in August, to the fall equinox in September. And then round again we go to next year is Halloween, All Saints Day.

Cheryl Ball  03:02

So our card in the middle, that's representing the theme for the coming year is the Eight of Pentacles. And I'm using the Lightseers Deck, the Chris-Anne deck, for this reading. I've been working with this all day today giving personal readings for people. And so I'm resonating a lot with it. And this card keeps coming up for a lot of folks, this is the student of magic here. This is the person who is into her studies into their studies. They're learning, they have learned a lot already. And they're ready to move forward in their spiritual growth. So that's our theme for the year spiritual growth and study towards that.

Cheryl Ball  03:52

The card that we have that's in opposition, and I say it's that way instead of as a help to the querent is because it came out in shadow, in reverse. And that's the queen of wands. And this is an interesting card to come in opposition to the student of magic because the queen of wands already knows how to manifest everything that she needs. So I see this card when it comes out in shadow. [I left my email on so it's pinging me in the background one moment. There we go. Sorry about that.] I see this card. The queen of wands when it's in reverse here as saying that this might not be a year where the things that we expect to manifest get manifested as easily as fire on our hand as she's doing here. They might take a little more study, they might take a little more practice like the Eight of Pentacles has has told us.

Cheryl Ball  04:56

Okay, so then we've got the next card which is the card that represents the energy between now and basically the end of the year, till the till the winter solstice, when that falls at the end of December, and that card is the two of wands, Okay, this card is a card about planning, and travel, and thinking and sort of dreaming about what our passion projects might be, and how we can get instigated towards towards them, okay, it's the start of that new planning and dreaming about where we might be.

Cheryl Ball  05:40

So we've got some dreamy energy coming in the next month, then from December, late December until the beginning of February. So most of January, we have the page of swords. And this is where that dream energy sort of starts to take more shape in terms of the actual not planning, but this card is very much about innovation, and ideas, and what does it look like to have all of these possibilities that are laid out in front of us in a way that we can start to work with the details in to flesh things out a little bit, a little bit more. So with the start of the new calendar year, in 2024, we start getting down to business as they say,

Cheryl Ball  06:32

Okay, so then, between the beginning of January, sorry, the beginning of February, and the middle of March, we have the energy of the moon. Oh, the moon is taking us into our shadow work. Right? She's asking us to delve deep within ourselves, to figure out what it is we really want and and desire in this life. And what's blocking us what is the shadow work that we need to do to heal ourselves. And sometimes that requires going into the murky depths to do that. So when some of us get a little bit of antsy around winter, and the end of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, the Moon says, maybe we can lean into that energy to figure out what still remains to be uncovered within ourselves that might assist us on our path in life, so that we can move towards our higher calling, or our next calling in life.

Cheryl Ball  07:38

From the vernal equinox, then moving to May Day, the beginning of May, we have the energy of the ace of cups. This is a beautiful energy that's about renewing our passion, and our emotions and our feelings around a new love. A new, whether it's new love, like new romantic love in your life, or new platonic love or new business love or new love about a project, like you are full of heartfelt emotions around this newness that you have discovered, possibly about yourself from doing this moon work, right in March. So we have this amazing deep work that we're being asked to do. And then we're giving ourselves all the love and grace that we need in March in April, and the beginning of May to feel fulfilled.

Cheryl Ball  08:42

From the beginning of May, till the height of June. With the summer solstice, we have the energy of the hierophant. This is a beautiful spread. I'm pretty diggin it so far. I hope you are too. The Hierophant is about being our own spiritual leader. looking in to see what it is that we need to resonate with, for our higher calling to take shape. So we've come through the moon card, we've come through the deep internal work, that where we really are wrestling with some undealt with energies and ideas and traumas within ourselves. And we've come through that into this more heartfelt space being aligned with an understanding, like Chiron, that even as a wounded healer, we can walk through and continue to heal and help others but we have helped ourselves first. So when I see this Hierophant card come up. I see it as a card that is representative of us leaning into this beautiful spiritual energy? Right? Our calling is present. And we just are waiting for it. Right? We've done the work. So it's not like we're waiting around doing nothing. But we get our we get our just desserts as they say.

Cheryl Ball  10:21

So from mid June, in the summer solstice, through the beginning of August, when Lugnhasadh or Lammas, depending on which tradition you practice, and there might be others that you practice that I don't clarify on this particular wheel. But the the energy with the, with late summer, if you will, in North America, is one of hope. With the nine of cups, we feel very joyous, and on our path. And we're celebrating our emotional success. And we're feeling really good about all of this. Yes. So it's, it's a very exciting time. And then we start having some quick action, with our work in this area on this on this love project that we're working on.

Cheryl Ball  11:13

And that that quick action happens with the knight of swords coming up in late September for the Fall Equinox. So this energy of this knight rushing off to save the day, so so it were this is again, not a gendered notion of a man coming in to save you. Because my queer friends out there, yeah, we don't really care so much about that necessarily, do we. But instead, the energy, the fastness, that this person is ready to jump on a dime, that's probably the wrong metaphor, and jump on their motorcycle, and rush off to do what needs to be done.

Cheryl Ball  11:59

Now the swords are our suit of intellect and logic. So what I see here is, we're pretty excited in August about you know, in July and August about our path. And then we really start putting some details into practice into place in September, late August and early September.

Cheryl Ball  12:26

Now we move from the, from the energy of late September into through October till we get to Samhain and, and Day of the Dead and all All Saints Day. And the energy that's representing that is the sun. But the Sun is in shadow, which means it's reversed, right? So instead of just coming out and burning the new thing, right, that's there's a little there's a little slowness to it. So that speed with the knight of swords that we just had, right? We gotta jump in on the motorcycle. Like, it maybe hits a speed bump. But it's a, it's a, it's a speed bump that is universal in nature, right? It's not some dumb, little mundane thing. It's like, oh, wait, there might be a tiny bit of course correction here. Ah, it's impostor syndrome, right? It's like, oh, wait, wait, are we actually qualified to do this thing that we have literally been called by spirit to do? Yes. Yeah, that's where we are. We are.

Cheryl Ball  13:45

So don't be scared. Don't be scared a year from now, when things are going your way, and going in a way that maybe you haven't anticipated? Right? So they might not manifest in the way that you're expecting? Right, which is why we get the queen of Wands and the sun in shadow. But they're Manifesting with some hardcore energy that is beautiful, and brilliant, and spiritual, and grounded and happy.

Cheryl Ball  14:20

All right. That is the community reading for this week, my friends. Thank you so much for being here. And I hope to if you're interested in learning a little bit more about the basics of Tarot that you might join me in the class that I'm offering through the Shehive online. It starts in two weeks, on the, November, I should have had the date ready. November 18, from 10am to 1pm Eastern Time, that's a three hour online class there will be breaks there's plenty of have schedules built in to make sure that it's easy for you to process that information in a three hour block. And we'll be holding three of these classes every other week for three weeks for three sessions, so there'll be a class on November 18, and another one on sorry, three weeks in a row, November 25. And then the final classes on December 2, all from 10 to one Eastern time. And I will put a link to be able to sign up for that class in the show notes for this week's episode.

Cheryl Ball  15:38

So, of course, I'm always available for private readings if people are interested in that, and I'll put a link to my Calendly there where you can sign up for 20 minutes or 45 minute readings, and I can read for you. I can also help you connect with your ancestors, your beloved dead and your spirit guides, through pendulum work if you so choose. This is a great time of year to do that, as the veil is thin and the spirits are surrounding us a little more closely and here for offering guidance. So thank you all have a blessed Samhain, Day of the Dead, and all the other things that you might be practicing this time of year. And I hope you will join me again next week. Bye!
