Wellness Wednesday — Dec., 6, 2023 [for the month]

A reading for the rest of 2023 into 2024 talks about big shifts, transitions, letting go and walking away of what we no longer need. Good times ahead!

Wellness Wednesday — Dec., 6, 2023 [for the month]
Reading based on Lindsey Mack's transition to 2024 card (Ten of Swords) and Capricorn card (8 of Cups)

Don't be skeered! Death is always a rebirth!!




card, swords, cups, reading, laying, knight, wands, tarot, deck, grieve, universe, moments, walk, shift, year, beautiful countryside, brand new, mack, talked, transition

Cheryl Ball  00:03

Hello, everybody, welcome. It is Wednesday, December 6, 2023. This is Cheryl Ball. Welcome to Wellness Wednesday, the community Tarot reading that I've been doing. A couple of announcements to start with. I'm pretty excited that I get to go to Sweden tomorrow, for a couple of weeks, I haven't been back to Scandinavia in several years since before the COVID pandemic began. And I'm excited to go back and see safe about it and get to see some beautiful countryside. I'm wearing my, my Norwegian pride hat in honor of my Swedish visit. Also because of the cold winter has finally come upon us. Because I'm going to be traveling for the next month, we're going to put the Wellness Wednesday on hiatus until the second Wednesday in January, and may come back on the fourth, but probably not until the following week. We'll see. We'll see how the travel goes and how mercury retrograde treats us. So just that house bit of housekeeping.

Cheryl Ball  01:30

So because I am leaving you for a month, I wanted to give you a sort of extended reading a bigger reading that will cover us in this shift between December the year in the year of the chariot to 2023. Two plus two plus three is eight, seven card sorry, which is the chariot card in the tarot. Let me pull up my tarot app here and show you, right. And then we're heading into, there's the chariot, right? We're heading into 2024, which is the eighth card. And that represents the strength card in Tarot.

Cheryl Ball  02:24

With this transition from one year to another, a lot of the tarot readers have been talking about this shift that's going to be happening, both sort of energetically speaking and astrologically. Right. I was reading earlier, in Lindsay Mack's newsletter, she had a couple of newsletters come out in the last week or so. And she talked about two things. This, this time of shift being a 10 of swords moment, I should have warned people this, this card can bring up a lot of feels, okay. Here's the 10 of swords from the modern which tarot deck, which I love. It's very glossy. The 10 of Swords is a card about coming to the end of a cycle, which means we get to start a new cycle. But sometimes coming to the end of that cycle will have been a little bit of a painful experience requires us to do a lot of internal work. It also requires us to let things go, right? 

Cheryl Ball  03:37

An alternate version of this card that I love from this deck is this one with a different caption on it. It says everything's fine, everything's fine. Right? And she's, you know, stuck with 10 swords in her back and she's reading your cell phone. It's all good, right? And so we might be saying this to ourselves right now. Everything's fine. But in reality, right, we are needing to let go of some things.

Cheryl Ball  04:08

And a second card for Capricorn season that Lindsey Mack addressed for us this week is the eight of cups, a good partner card to the 10 of swords, because the 10 of Swords is like okay, there's some stuff that we just need to let go up and leave behind in 2023. We no longer need these things. They're they're killing us write their swords in our backs. Forget it, leave it here. Don't take it into the new year. In the new year we're going to have strength, right. And so a good partner card to the 10 of Swords is the eight of cups, which asks us literally to walk away. Walk away from our business that's been that's finished that we don't need to take with us, right. She's on this person's on a backpacking trip. Only carry what you need. And you no longer need these emotions around the swords? The stories that we've been telling ourselves, right? We're moving on. And this transition is a time of moving on.

Cheryl Ball  05:18

So I thought we would do a reading based around these two cards to give us a little more detail about what it is that we need to lay down and move on from right to help us in this shift between the two years. I was going to use the Rider Waite Smith Deck, the traditional deck, right. But I think I'm actually going to stick with the Modern Witch deck it feels good in my hand tonight.

Cheryl Ball  05:47

Oh, look at that I cut, the I love it when I cut the cards, this happens a lot, a lot. It's one of my favorite ways to read. And the cards that come up are very signifying, right? We're going into a brand new world, right? We're like, cutting out the bullshit, starting fresh with brand new world here. And the world of course, is the card that's at the end of the Major Arcana, that that helps us look back to the fool to start a brand new cycle. So sometimes the cards give us little, little bonus meanings in the cut.

Cheryl Ball  06:23

All right, but I want to focus on this 10 of swords and the eight of cups and we're gonna pull a couple cards for each one. And so with the 10 of swords let us see. Okay, universe. I'm not going to read reversals tonight, we're just gonna read straight up. When I say that in the cards are like, alright, we'll give you the cards that match that reading. Okay.

Cheryl Ball  06:59

For the 10 of swords, what is it that we're laying down? The ace of wands, we're laying down. This is an interesting card to be laying down. Normally, the ace of wands is a card that's about starting, like igniting a new fire right under us. So seeing that it's coming up here is something we need to lay down.

Cheryl Ball  07:34

I'm gonna pick a clarification card on that. Universe, why is the ace of wands here as one of the swords, we need to lay down at the end of 2023? We pull the knight of cups. Okay. I think what this card is telling us is that instead of instead of constantly burning towards new projects, is the idea of burning because the wands are sometimes on fire in the deck and the the fire represents the passion that can come with the wands. So instead of like constantly burning the wick, so to speak, the knight of cups is reminding us to be open to love. We don't have to rush into passion, we don't have to rush into new projects, we can simply be with ourselves. This knight is is a slower knight in the deck. Some of the horses are rushing off, like the knight of swords is like rushing forward and like almost all the horses feet are off the ground.

Cheryl Ball  08:46

I'm sure you all have heard me talk about this before, the knight of pentacles is completely stationary, all four legs of the horse or on the ground. Here the knight of cups has the horse has one leg raised right? It's just a gentle pace, a gentle pace. So instead of the rash of fire, right? That the ignition that inflames us, we're going to get a little bit slower and feel into our feelings. So that's one thing that we're going to lay down in with, with the 10 of swords at the end of 2023.

Cheryl Ball  09:27

Universe, what's another thing that we need to know about the 10 of swords at the end of this year? Help guide us... the seven of cups. Okay, another thing we need to lay down is indecision not knowing, right? Not making choices because we're afraid of making the wrong choice. So the universe is like, Okay, we don't want that. The like the match that burns and burns your hand in the ace of wands, right? A decision that's so harsh that it's like, ah, you know, startling. And we don't want no decision to be made, right, which the seven of cups can kind of get us looped into.

Cheryl Ball  10:16

Again, this lovely that we've got two cups cards here, right leaning into our heartfelt space to move forward. Knowing that laying down, you know, everything doesn't have to be fine. We can absolutely have our moments of grief, have our moments of letting go. But recognizing that we're still moving forward, right with our heart space opening back up.

Cheryl Ball  10:47

Universe, give us one more card of guidance on the 10 of swords. How shall we move forward in the laying down of these swords? Okay, okay, I got two cards. It was like no. All right. We've got I think, I think the cards are kind of fucking with me tonight because I keep throwing out reversals even though I told them not to throw me reversals. So I'm going to read these cards in the way that I'm intuiting they need to be read. All right.

Cheryl Ball  11:23

So more grief, and not more grief as in like grieve more, right? Right. It's like, this is a card, the nine, when I just talked about  allowing yourself time for grieving what you are laying down? That's the nine of swords, right? Take your time with it. We're in the darkest moments of the year, literally. Right, with the sun, not being above the horizon as long as the moon is every day – take those moments, take those spaces, and spend your time remarking on all of the things that you've gone through in order to release them.

Cheryl Ball  12:09

And then when you do release them, let them fly. Let them go. Just get on your motorbike and ride away and say bye-bye stories I don't need any more! Bye things that are holding me back, maybe bye people who aren't helping me and weren't actually my friends. Do it quickly. Because once you let these things go and grieve and give them their moment of grief, your life will fly.

Cheryl Ball  12:44

Okay, we're gonna move on to the eight of cups. Now our second anchor card for this next month. And this is again is a card about walking away. Right? We talked, we talked about the laying down and now we're walking away from these things. Let's see what we're walking towards. All right, universe help us know, in the eight of cups, collectively, what do we walk towards when we get our hiking sticks out and walk away from these cups, laid down by the water side, what are we walking towards?

Cheryl Ball  13:28

Whoa, we're walking towards rebirth. Okay. Yes, this is the death card. But yes, you've heard me talk many times that the death card is actually a card of rebirth, right? It's like we have to go through. I mean, we have the pip card of death here, right with the 10 of swords. And when we walk away, we get a brand new cycle of life, right. reinvention of what it is that we're doing with our lives. This is the ultimate rejuvenation card. Oh, that's so exciting. I love it. All right. Universe.

Cheryl Ball  14:12

Please give us a card that will help us make this shift through death into our new life. The world – can't make this up people. We have the world at our fingertips. Like I said at the beginning of this reading. The world is the end of the major arcana in some traditions, in others, the fool is the end. But in any case, the card that follows the world is the fool. It's the start of the new journey. So if you are worried about the transition, and the shift that will take place as we, as we transition into 2024, know that it's a new world coming to us a brand new way of being. I mean, it's not totally new, right? We're still here in our meat suits. And we're still like, we still know the things that we know. But how can we lean into the energy of radical newness, a culmination, right? Of a journey that has led us to a beautiful space that allows us to live our, our next best lives, right, the next phase of our lives in the best and highest way possible. And of this.

Cheryl Ball  15:48

All right, I'm going to end the reading there, because what better way to end it than on the world. I'm so excited by this reading. And I'm going to miss you all in the next couple of weeks. Maybe I'll pop on but I'm just going to take some time for myself and do some of that resting and grieving and laying down of swords on my own process. And I hope you do too. And I hope you have a wonderful and safe holiday. And I'll see you in 2024! Thank you,  friends.