Wellness Wednesday - August 30, 2023

A spread for the Full Moon in Pisces

Wellness Wednesday - August 30, 2023
4-card spread for Full Moon in Pisces featuring High Priestess (R), Magician, 7 of Wands, and Fool l(R)

I'm gonna keep opening up these Wednesday community tarot readings because I think they will be of help to more people, and that's my goal! <3

Wellness Wednesday community tarot reading for the Full Moon in Pisces



Hello, everyone, welcome to Wellness Wednesday and the community tarot reading for August 30 of 2023. This is Cheryl Ball and welcome. Happy to have you here this week with me again, for this Full Moon reading. It's a full moon in Pisces Pisces. This is the second full moon of the month, which is very rare. And that means it's a blue moon. That's another name for it when that happens. And this is gonna be a great Moon for manifesting.


I was listening to the Chani Nicholas astrology app earlier this week. And she was talking about what it means that Venus is finally stationing direct this week, on top of some work in Uranus. Right? Uranus and then with the full moon energy on top of that. So one of the things that she was talking about is that this week is about consensus, and connectivity, relationships, figuring out how we come together. Also figuring out what disharmony is, and what you know what kind of boundaries we need to set up in our lives around relationships, which could be work, friendship, lovers, you name it, right. And what we need in order to attain or manifest justice in our lives. Now in addition to that she talks about, that's, you know, Venus going, going direct from its retrograde position, the full moon she talks about helps us manifest those dreams in a very grounded and specific way. That's really exciting, because we've got two things coming together.


So she posed some questions in her weekly reading and as I was meditating on what spread I might do for our Tarot reading this week, I was like, You know what, actually, I'm gonna go back to that, to that, that horoscope, that astrology report for the week, and draw on those questions that she prompted for us to see what some of the answers might be what some of the guidance from the universe might be. So there's four questions that she asked in this weekly report. One is, how do we build a home for our dreams? Like, what does the container for that look like?


The second question is, how do our relationships help us harness our dreams? And because we're not gonna be able to do it without community support? That's a big lesson for this week. The third question she asks is, Who can we count on? Right? Who's part of our support system for manifesting our dreams? And the fourth is how can we commit to our dreams, we might have dreams all day long. But unless we take action towards the most weak commit and believe, then they don't tend to manifest at least not as quickly and easily as they might.

So, I don't know about you all, but I've been experiencing a lot of manifestation goodies, I guess I can call it in the last week where something has come up, and I'm like, Oh, that would be really cool. And it's sometimes something that has an expense attached to it, that I wasn't prepared to lay out. And then I said, you know, what, if it's meant to happen, it will be and I will take steps to move forward on making the, you know, making the choices and doing the actions that I need to do to try and get this going in the direction that I want. In order to manifest the reality of this, this option gets in front of me. And sure enough, in every case, the universe was like, here's a sale, right? Here's a sale price, here's a discount. Here's something that you weren't expecting, but you got to act now. Like Stop messing around with it, and do it. I was like, I'm on it. Right? So that's an that's an example of commitment. Like we can say all day long. We want to be rich, but until we make steps to enact that in a heartfelt way, that isn't about scarcity, then riches will never come to us. Our understanding of riches isn't quite maybe what we think it is. So in any case, I'm taking these four questions that Chani Nicholas has laid out for us and turned them into


Oh, here we go a four four point Tarot Spread. Okay, so let us see what the universe has to guide us. And you can do this spread on your own too, with your own cards with a specific project. But I'm doing this community reading to sort of, say, you know, as a community, how are we coming together to manifest the things that we need to, we might all believe in a collective good, we will also have our individual higher purposes to go after, and I'm hoping that this spread reaches you at the point of need, regardless of whether this is a communal project for you, or a personal project that just involves support from your community.

Okay, so I'm using the Light Seers Tarot which y'all know I like.


Oh, I got a new deck this last week. I'll write about it in my column next week. Okay, Full Moon in Pisces? How do we build a home for our dreams? What do our relationships, How do our relationships help us harness our dreams? Who can we count on? How can we commit to our dreams? Okay, hey, what a beautiful spread we have here. So the first card that we have that answers the question How do we build a home for our dreams? And we have the high priestess in shadow. So she's upside down. Right when when she gets pulled out here. Gonna hold her right side up for a moment so you can witness that. Okay.


With that, several major arcana on the table for this spread, and I'm gonna go through these. I'm going to call in my guidebook for a little reassurance here. When the High Priestess is in shadow, right? When she's in, in the reverse position. She can, she can be about fearing our intuitive abilities. And look at me funny enough, I'm like, am I going to read this, this one right? Let me pull up my book and check. Fearing our intuitive abilities, right? Not paying attention to our inner voice. So when this card with this meeting comes up in this reverse position on how do we build a home for our dreams? This Priestess is inviting us to seat ourselves into our intuition. It's saying don't don't fear your gut, right? Don't fear your instincts? How do you build your your greens, you trust yourself? The mantra for this card is "I have the answers I seek. And by following the truth, I will find them." So trust yourself in building your container for your dreams.


The second card is how do our relationships help us harness our dreams. So the magician we know is a card that's about having all of the resources at your disposal to be able to manifest whatever it is that you might need. But the interesting thing about the magician is that they are here on their own. And yet they are connected to the Divine, right? Whatever the Divine might mean for you the universal energy, just energies on their own spirit. God, your beloved ancestors. I heard from one of my tarot teachers this morning that she in some other folks she know uses the term super friends to talk about those of those folks who who we call on to help support us. And so I think that this card, the magician card in this position, answering the question How do our relationships help us harness our dreams is reminding us that the relationships that are connected through a spiritual trust are the ones who will help us manifest our dreams.


There's a there's a saying there's a mythos in in the energetic community that like if you're trying to manifest something, it's very close to your heart. Be careful who you tell it to. Because if you tell it to somebody or you tell it to, like so many people, not a number, but like, if you tell it to people who aren't energetically aligned with you, and your higher purpose, they will taint that dream for you. How do they do that? Imagine for instance, like, you tell a friend, you're like really excited about this new idea that you have for your business or for your work or for your life, right? And you tell this friend who is a great friend, but sometimes they're like, meh, you know, and they kind of put their poopoo you know, they yuck your yum, basically.


That negative energy can fuck with your dream, because all of a sudden, you might get it in your heart, you're like, Oh, should I be doing this? Right? Oh, I don't know. So sometimes you have to be more careful about how you spread, you spread your dreams around. That doesn't apply to everybody. I came to realize recently that like, although I'm often warned by some of my spiritual friends to keep my mouth shut, when it comes to sharing the dreams that I am, the my big dreams that I'm trying to manifest, I tell certain people where I tell them certain aspects of it. And part of that is because my energetic makeup, and all of the things that I know about myself, involve bringing people together and convincing people that my idea is a good idea. Right? It's in StrengthFinders language, it's called WOO, Winning Others Over, right? And that I'm very highly ranked in WOO. Before I even did started doing woowoo stuff, right?


So sometimes I need to share in order to build momentum around a project to manifest it. But that doesn't, that's not true for everybody, right? Some people need to like, really be like, not going to tell you about this. Right? Because I'm gonna keep it close to my chest until I figure out how to do it. Okay, so the question again, how do our relationships help us harness our dreams, keep the relationships whose spiritual alignment with yours is close at the forefront of helping you and those who are going to yuck your yum? Boundaries, boundaries bitch.


Funny enough, the third card, who can we count on, we have the seven of wands. And I love this card. One of my teachers helped me sort of before I got this Light Seer deck, I had a reading with with one of my teachers, Keziah Gibbons, who was using the next, the Next World tarot, which I happen to have here, but I don't have that same card pulled up. And in that deck, it's somebody who's like, you know, similar facial, sort of turning to the side, like looking away, to say, I don't need you, and your junk on me, in order to do the thing that I want to do. And the seven of wands, these ones are kind of coming at this person, right? But they're like, I'm gonna do my thing. I'm in my meditation. Don't fuck with me. Right? Like, so when when we get this for the question, Who can we count on? We want to count on going back to the magician, the people who aren't going to fuck with us, right? We're going to count on the people who believe that we need our spiritual space, right? She's got this beautiful orb around her that's protecting her. We need to count on the people who trust that we know what we're doing, even if we maybe don't, but we're going to trust our gut. Right? So those are the folks we're going to count on.


Finally, the last card, how can we commit to our dreams? And I love this, because we have the Fool in shadow. So this Fool is sent to us reversed. Okay. So the fool is the person who steps off the cliff, the leap of takes the leap of faith, right? It's so silly, but I always think of that scene in Indiana Jones and the end, the last, the Last Crusade, is this the right one, that's the third one right? Where they have to step off the cliff to find the thing and to find the bridge that goes over the chasm and they end up throwing sand so that they know that it's there. And I always think of that when I think about the Fool card because it's very much like I have to trust that the divine has my back and I'm leaping off but I need to take the action I want to leap off the cliff, right? Like the Divine is not just gonna suddenly put me to the other side of the chasm, like, I have to have faith that I can do it. Right. So, when this question asks us how we commit to our dreams, and the fool comes to reverse, it's just saying, let go of those fears that you have. You can do this. Right? Like, don't let fear hold you back. Same with the priestess in reverse. I mean, look at those. I love it when the color combos come back at you with a one, two sucker punch, right? Because the color is definitely mean they have a similar resonance across these cards for a reason. Okay. And this color in this deck is a reflection of the murkiness that some that surrounds the lack of like logistical knowledge that we might have as we're trying to, like, craft our dream. Are we like, Okay, I can't move forward until I have these things in place. That's the old Virgo me, right? Like I'm trying to let that go. And I'm trying to jump off the cliff.


And trust that if I take action, the universe will pave the way for me. So that's what's going on with this fourth card. Commit to your dreams by shedding the fear of embarking on your new adventure, on embarking on your dream. Great. All right. Um, so this is such a beautiful spread, and I hope that it reaches you and touches your heart in the way that you need to hear it this week. And I would love to hear feedback from y'all. You can email me at Cheryl@cherylball.org You can find me on the YouTubes that, I was gonna say the YouTube comments. You can reach me there. You can also comment I think on the on the the when intuition strikes website, which is guest-host.ghost.io [I said .org but it's .io]. Okay, so thank you all for joining me this week. I hope you have a beautiful manifestation of a full moon this evening.

Sometimes the Fool's leap leads to greater faith and riches.