Resources for Wellness Wednesday

Some podcast recommendations for soul-expanding consciousness during this eclipse season.

Resources for Wellness Wednesday
Fly Agaric mushroom growing under a stand of Pinus radiata trees, Wellington, New Zealand. (CC-BY-SA Tony Wills)

Hello all! Normally I'd be providing a community tarot reading for Wellness Wednesday, but I'm traveling to a family wedding today, so I'm going to point you to some great metaphysically related podcasts I've been enjoying this week.

The eclipse astrology for last week and the next few weeks is still with us, as well as some Mercury + Pluto shenanigans that might have us all up in our feels this weekend. (I maaaay have sent an encouraging text to my niece who is getting married to remind her that sometimes feelings this weekend might be magnified by the astrology and so to tread lightly. It's a time to examine emotions, not spill them. I am not surprised that she didn't respond. Is it better to keep one's mouth shut and wait for people to ask? She is not the kind of person who would ask, but I know plenty of people suffer astrological turns in silence—or blow up at others—so whether I did the right thing or not... <grimace face>.)

To learn more about this week's astrology, I've been listening to Chani Nicholas's weekly astrology report and following it up more deeply with Jessica Lanyadoo's weekly horoscope podcast.

And last week, a friend turned me onto a new (to me) podcast from author (and fellow queer) Glennon Doyle (who happens to be married to Abby Wambach, from women's US soccer fame, which apparently is more interesting to me than the researched-for-this-post information I found about Doyle's Christian past, mommy blog, and pandemic bestseller, Untamed).

The podcast is called We Can Do Hard Things, and two episodes stuck out at me: (1) the most recent drop on asexuality, which broadens the spectrum to a more encompassing level in a way that I think a lot of readers will find some resonance with, regardless of how they identify in terms of their sexuality (yes, I have identified as hetero, a-, and now homo- sexual at different times of my life); and (2) a recent episode (which is the one the friend recommended) on the usage of psychedelics in therapy. I was familiar with this approach, and the guest–doctor explains in a lot of detail the history and current usage of psychedelics in ways that trace its benefits back to the etymology of the word "psychedelic": soul-expanding. YES! This isn't news to Indigenous peoples who have been using plant-based medicine for soul expansion purposes for millennia. But, you know, white people gotta "discover" shit.

So, check out these podcasts and see what soul-expanding work you might do for yourself this week. Love you all! <3