Thank you to all of you who signed up to hear more about what I've got going on in terms of nonfiction and intuitive work. The Universe has really been opening doors for me this past week, and I'm eager to see what else comes my way!

It's not without a little bit of nervous anticipation, however, as I begin to roll out subscriber benefits and new nonfiction content! The latter is coming later this week, and the former, well, tomorrow's Wednesday, so let's get on with it!

This is my first week of Wellness Wednesday tarot readings, which are 20-minute communal readings that, for now, I'm going to try doing live on Zoom. These are readings to help guide us through the week – and although our weeks generally start on Monday (or Sunday), I feel like we get barraged with beginning-of-week info and meetings, so I wanted to space these out to help us prep, first and foremost, for our weekENDS.

[Insert one of many stories I am bound to tell about my time living in Norway, or Noooooooorwaaaaaaaay, as my friends and colleagues have come to intone every time I bring up a story from that time and place :P]

Many years ago, I learned that why European calendars tend to start on Mondays instead of Sundays. It's because, a Norwegian colleague once said to me in a dumbfounded tone (I got that a lot when I lived there...), the week should END with two days of rest. Otherwise, as many U.S. folks know, our Sundays get taken over by work-thinking, and we really only get Saturday to rest (if that!).

Weekend ≠ bookend. --> Make space to gather yourself.

And I desire for everyone to hold their weekends – even if they happen to fall on Sun/Mon, or Tues/Wed, or some other hopefully two-day combination – as precious times. I also want folx to learn to rest throughout the week, but I recognize that's a tall order. Still, these Wednesday Wellness community tarot readings are for the collective, in the hopes that they will help guide and remind us of what we might bear in mind as we move through the next seven days, including our weekEND as a potential highlight of self-care, joy, and relaxation.

Free Community Tarot Reading with Me!

These readings will be webinar style in Zoom, and since it's my first time offering one of these – available as part of the Over the Moon and You Are A Goddetc! levels – I wanted to open them up to anyone interested to see what they are like. I love doing readings for people individually, and I am excited to take some lessons I've learned about collective readings over the past years and put it into practice. It is a learning journey for all of us, as I work openly and in community through tarot for the first time, and I hope you'll join me tomorrow at 11am ET for this quick reading.

Here come Wellness Wednesday tarot readings!