Do Yourself A Favor This Week

Friday is a full moon in Aries, and apparently it's gonna be a doozy. Here's how to take precautions!

Do Yourself A Favor This Week
Ghost of a Podcast this week is worth all 58 minutes of your time!

Yesterday, as I was driving across Canada after spending almost a month (mostly offline) in glorious Maine, I caught up on some podcasts, including one of my newer favorites: Jessica Lanyadoo's Ghost of a Podcast. Each week she publishes two podcasts, one of which is an astrology report and the other is a reading with a listener. Lynn's style is hilarious, pointed, queer, and psychically infused. It's therapy-like coaching backed by astrology. I learn a ton every time I listen to it, not just about astrology, but about myself and how I behave in the world.

Just today, I listened to the "I am Eeyore" episode, and I realized that one thing I do to other people is try to manage their schedules for them when they have NOT asked me to do this. When Virgo isn't behaving well, she can be nit-picky, and for me this sometimes comes out as "Why haven't you done X yet?!" In a phonecall with someone dear to me this morning, who has unfortunately caught her very first case of COVID, I caught myself thinking, "Oh, you have a week off work, so maybe you can get XYZ phonecalls done." And, THANK THE GODDETC, I stopped myself before saying such capitalist nonsense. (Hot take I've learned from my friends with long Covid: Rest like it's your job. Like your life depends on it. Because IT DOES.)

And then into my head popped all the other times I've done this to people I care about (i.e., "why don't you just do X real quick and get it over with") when (1) It was none of my damned business, and (2) STFU Cheryl, and finally (3) It is not your life, Cheryl. Plus, (4) Cheryl, you procrastinate on stuff all the time, so hello, mirror!

Well, that episode was prepping me for the real work this week – as Lanyadoo discusses at length, and in very approachable terms, the full moon in Aries this Friday is gonna wallop our inner child and core wounds. And we might feel like we need to take it out on others, but, hey, It's your life, not theirs. It's my life, not yours. Pleeeeeeeaaaase go listen to this podcast to prep for this weekend's astrology. It's no joke!

And when Lanyadoo refers to degrees and signs in your birthchart, have your Chani Nicholas app or some other birth/natal astrology chart handy (you can google a million free ones online – you just need to know your location, exact time, and place of your birth). Cross-reference as needed. Holler if you have questions or just want to share what you learned about yourself. I'm gonna be sitting here trying not to be all Chiron-core wound on a good friend this weekend. Consider this your early Wellness Wednesday reading, cuz this is gonna help way more than that will!

362: Horoscope - Full Moon in Aries & Other Explosions | Jessica Lanyadoo | Astrology + Woo
Last week Jessica touched on the collective indications of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces; this time she unpacks the personal. This weaves into important themes around boundaries and emotional presence as this week involves two emo and important oppositions between planets in the Aries/Libra polarity: